ALL of our published writing is done on a Google Doc or Google Slide and submitted to Ms Dekker in Google Classroom to:
1. review the draft (provide comments and feedback to improve the writing) 2. review for the final grade |
NARRATIVE Resources:
Click image below for a description HOW WILL I BE GRADED?
Click words below for the rubric WHEN TO START A NEW PARAGRAPH
Click on the image below for a VIDEO
TO START A NEW PARAGRAPH Click picture below |
4 WAYS TO HOOK THE READER (engaging beginnings)
YouTube video, click picture below:
Written sample, click picture below:
Click image below for ideas Narrative Checklist -
Do you have everything you need in a narrative? click image below to see the list HOW TO WRITE DESCRIPTIVELY
YouTube video click picture below:
Mark Twain and Huckleberry Finn For a video, click picture below:
Animal biome informational report - OPTIONAL
Please click on the links below to be taken to videos about different biomes. Choose an animal in one type of biome to do your research on. Use the packet you've been give to guide you on what to include in your biome informational report. The final report must be typed on a Google Doc an submitted to the Animal Biome Informational Report assignment area on Google Classroom.
What types of biomes are there and what animals live in these biomes?
VIDEOS, Information, AND vr
OPINION Resources:
Here are resources for some of the opinion writing "free choice" topics . Not sure what to write about? You can use any of these ideas below, from Scholastic Magazine/StoryWorks, or come up with one of your own! Pick a topic you are passionate about!
Are screens hurting friendships?
Should elementary students have cell phones?
A second article about students and cell phones, both Pro and Con. Click HERE.
An article about why kids should not have cell phones, click HERE.
An article about why students should have cell phones. Click HERE.
A second article about why students should have cell phones, click HERE.
Should students be required to bring reusable lunch bags?
Do violent video games help make kids more violent?
Should school uniforms be required?
Should sweets be banned from school?
Is learning cursive still important?
Should trampolines be allowed?
Should parents helps kids with homework?
Should girls play on boys sports teams?
Other articles about girls on boys sports teams, click HERE and HERE.
Should tablets replace textbooks in K-12 grades?
Are cell phones safe?
Check out various topics at the following links:
* Adjectives
Click HERE for a Schoolhouse Rock video
Click HERE for a song
* Adverbs
Click HERE for a Schoolhouse Rock video
Click HERE and HERE for a list of adverbs
Click HERE and HERE for lessons
* Alliteration
Click HERE and HERE for examples
Click HERE for a song
Click HERE for a Discovery video lesson, or login through Clever
* Capitalization
Click HERE for the BrainPop assignments, or login through Clever
Click HERE for a definition and examples of when to use capitalization
Click HERE and HERE for games (Ask your parents to sign you up if you want to play these games: HERE, HERE, HERE )
Click HERE for more practice
* Complete & Simple Subjects / Complete & Simple Predicates
Click HERE for the BrainPop assignments, or login through Clever
Click HERE for a Schoolhouse Rock video
Click HERE, HERE and HERE for more videos
* Conjunctions
Click HERE for a Schoolhouse Rock video
* Contractions
* Click HERE for the BrainPop assignments, or login through Clever
* Homonyms (Homophones and Homographs)
* Prepositions
Click HERE and HERE for songs
Click HERE for another video
Click HERE for practice if you're confused by which preposition word to use for location
* Possessives
* Click HERE for the BrainPop assignments, or login through Clever
* Pronouns
* Suffixes, Prefixes, and Roots
Click HERE for the BrainPop assignments, or login through Clever
* Types of sentences: Declarative --- Interrogative --- Imperative --- Exclamatory.
Click HERE for the BrainPop assignments, or login through Clever
* Types of sentences: Simple --- Compound --- Complex
Click HERE for a Discovery video, or login through Clever
* Adjectives
Click HERE for a Schoolhouse Rock video
Click HERE for a song
* Adverbs
Click HERE for a Schoolhouse Rock video
Click HERE and HERE for a list of adverbs
Click HERE and HERE for lessons
* Alliteration
Click HERE and HERE for examples
Click HERE for a song
Click HERE for a Discovery video lesson, or login through Clever
* Capitalization
Click HERE for the BrainPop assignments, or login through Clever
Click HERE for a definition and examples of when to use capitalization
Click HERE and HERE for games (Ask your parents to sign you up if you want to play these games: HERE, HERE, HERE )
Click HERE for more practice
* Complete & Simple Subjects / Complete & Simple Predicates
Click HERE for the BrainPop assignments, or login through Clever
Click HERE for a Schoolhouse Rock video
Click HERE, HERE and HERE for more videos
* Conjunctions
Click HERE for a Schoolhouse Rock video
* Contractions
* Click HERE for the BrainPop assignments, or login through Clever
* Homonyms (Homophones and Homographs)
* Prepositions
Click HERE and HERE for songs
Click HERE for another video
Click HERE for practice if you're confused by which preposition word to use for location
* Possessives
* Click HERE for the BrainPop assignments, or login through Clever
* Pronouns
* Suffixes, Prefixes, and Roots
Click HERE for the BrainPop assignments, or login through Clever
* Types of sentences: Declarative --- Interrogative --- Imperative --- Exclamatory.
Click HERE for the BrainPop assignments, or login through Clever
* Types of sentences: Simple --- Compound --- Complex
Click HERE for a Discovery video, or login through Clever